1 to 1 Training

Whether you have a puppy, teenager or adult dog, sometimes it can be good to do go back to basics and do some training 1 to 1. Some dogs, and people, don’t do well in classes, so working 1 to 1 can provide some amazing results targeted to your exact needs.

Ideal for:

Pre-puppy and new puppy – setting up for success with a new puppy including what to buy, how to welcome your puppy in to your new home, when to start training.
General puppy training – house training, puppy manners, dealing with chewing and mouthing, foundation training.
General training - coming back when called, lead training.

Scroll down and click on the links below to find out more.

If you are not sure what is right for you
book on a free call and let's have a chat - CLICK HERE
