Calm Down Canine

Discover the invaluable Calm Down Canine Programme run by training and behaviour counsellor Carolyn Boyd.

This tailor-made programme is set up to address the needs of humans with dogs who frequently experience frustration and find it challenging to remain calm.

Whether it's difficulty dealing with certain situations involving people or other dogs, this programme provides a comprehensive solution through a series of structured sessions. With a focus on individual challenges, we will work together to cultivate a sense of serenity and balance in your life. By incorporating proven techniques, risk assessment, and reinforcement of foundational behaviours, you will witness remarkable changes not only in your dog's behaviour but also in your own.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to embark on a fulfilling partnership with your canine companion. Join the Calm Down Canine programme today and experience the difference it can make in your and your dog's well-being.

Available in Cornwall and will be available online soon.
