
Hi and welcome to my blog where I will adding at least weekly postings including:

🐾 Top tips to help you with your dog.
🐾 Thoughts on mindset and how that can change the way we work with our dogs.
🐾 Case studies so you can understand a little more of the sorts of people and dogs I work with.
🐾 Behind the scenes on me and how I work.
🐾 Editorial articles giving an opinion on something either in the news or in my head.

You will also be able to find out more about how I work using kind and effective methods for both you and your dog. 



This week I wanted to give you a little bit of insight into my Calm Down Canine Workshops which are part of my Calm...

They tell me a lot of what I do is commonsense!

One of the most common questions I get asked is, "How much will it cost?"

There are lots of events in all of our lives that can be so very disruptive - building work, moving house, people...

There has been a HUGE explosion in people training to be dog trainers over the past few years. I get it. There are a...

... and why that has shaped what I do with clients now

I do ask a lot of questions As those of you who have worked with me before know, I do like to ask a lot of questions,...

The challenge is how to be clear and consistent...

We all have those moments when life gets on top of us ...

Jumping up - solving the right problem

An exercise in giving yourself more time to find solutions

Has the power of NO stopped working?
